
Remote Development Teams

Our Remote Teams are developing cutting-edge SW products in cooperation

with the top 50 Israeli technology companies.

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Tasks Control and HW Administration for Quantum Computers
Java, Kotlin, Go, React.js, Electron, UI/UX Design, PostgreSQL, Microservices, Consul, GRPC, AWS, CI/CD
Network Anomalies Predictions ML
Python, Pandas, Scikit, Scipy, Docker, PostgreSQL, ML Flow
Storage Monitoring System
Python, Angular, React.js, ML, Elasticsearch
MMWave wireless Management
UI/UX Design, Angular, Java
SDN Controller
Java, ONAP, Kubernetes
Mobile Applications
Flutter, Dart
SDK Mission Critical PTT Calls
C++, PjSIP, Embedded Linux
Telecom Network Discovery
Java, Python, XQuery, PostgreSQL, Docker Swarm
Network/Service Monitoring and Control System
Java EE, Go, Timescale, AWS, UI/UX Design, ML
HomeLand Security
Python, Angular, Flask, OpenCV, Docker
Screen Duplication Solutions
React.js, TypeScript, WebRTC, GRPC
Network Connectivity Open Source Project
Go, Node.js, NATS, GraphQL, Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes
Gaming Software
Java, Spring Boot, UI/UX Design
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